Main page - trying to reorganise the LISP content
SWC-LISP can be considered a fork from the main Lisp branches that is used to interact with the Combine's database. For this reason it is not used to create stand-alone applications, rather dialogue scripts for Custom NPCs or working procedures for objects as well as implementing game-wide quests.
Notation for a sequence of things is often 1 2 ... n, where the first couple things give you an idea of how the sequence goes (in this case incrementing by 1), the ellipses (...) indicate it continues. When referring to any specific 'thing' in that sequence, we talk about its position. 1 is the first thing. 2 is the second thing, and all the way at the end, the term n representing the last thing in that sequence is the "nth" thing. We use the same kind of notation and terms to discuss lists.
- atom
- a single 'thing' - the smallest unit thing in LISP. It is an s-expression, but more than that it is a value, number,
- boolean
- Boolean is a data type that can be either True or False. We often refer to functions which return #t or #f as predicates, and in SWC-LISP, the convention is to name those functions ending with a question mark. If i made a predicate to check if numbers a and b are both 2, i'd name it both-two?
- define
- in the sense of LISP, this means to formally tell the script what you want a given symbol to evaluate to. You use two functions for this: defvar for variables and defun for functions.
- element
- We often refer to each 'thing' inside a list as an element. It's useful to have a term for this since we discuss how lists are navigated and need common ways to talk about it.
- evaluate
- More or less this means 'determine the meaning of '. This action is what the LISP interpreter does for every s-expression. We often say an s-expression 'evaluates to' something else, and many LISP books use the notation => to indicate that. E.G. 1=> 1; (defvar blue "Red") blue=> "Red"; (+ 1 7) => 8; (concatenate "My favourite colour is " blue) => "My favourite colour is Red"
- functions
- Instructions to the interpreter on what to do. You define these using defun telling the interpreter a) what you want the symbol to be, b) if you want to feed your function data (parameters), what temporary symbols you will use to refer to each parameter ("local variables"), and what function that symbol should evaluate to. More on this later, but the important concept is that functions are your way of directing what you want to happen, when.
- hook
- this allow asynchronous notification of events to different areas of code or LISP scripts (primarily in support of scripting responses to in-game events)
- lambda functions
- They are (generally) function definitions not bound to an identifier - or in our case a symbol. They can be used anywhere you'd normally use a defined function name by directly describing its behavior rather than indirectly by referring to the name of an established function (Excepting add-action, add-response, add-text). I primarily use them in more interesting ways than the above in order to create temporary functions based on a template. In general, they are a way of defining a function for use in an s-expression without having to name the function. You can think of it as the function equivalent of passing a string value as "Blue" instead of (defvar colour "Blue") colour.
- list
- a group of s-expressions represented in the form (s-expression1 s-expression2 ... s-expressionN). A list is itself an s-expression, so can be contained inside other lists.
- parameter
- a piece of data you feed to a function, upon which it operates. Also known as input. These are often listed as an expected type - for example defvar expects a symbol and a value, while say expects a string.
- quoting
- Lisp must decide which parts of our program consist of code (stuff to be executed) and which parts are just data. Whenever you type something, Lisp assumes that you’re entering a command you want to execute. In other words, Lisp always assumes that you’re writing code and defaults to code mode. On the other hand, stuff written in data mode is treated as data. This means the computer will not try to "execute" it, which allows us to have information in our code that’s just plain old data. The single quote ' tells Lisp to treat the subsequent form as a chunk of data — simply a list of items. Lisp then prints the result of evaluating what we entered, which is the list itself. It ignores any functions or variables in our list, treating everything as data. Example: (+ 2 3) => 5 whereas '(+ 2 3) => (+ 2 3).
- quasiquoting
- This feature allows us to create chunks of data that have small pieces of Lisp code embedded in them. To enable quasiquoting, you must use a backquote [`] not a single quote ['] when switching from code to data mode. Both the single quote and backquote in Lisp "flip" a piece of code into data mode, but only a backquote can also be unquoted using the comma character, to flip back into code mode. Example:
`(a b ,character)
produces a list that contains the symbols a and b, followed by the value of the symbol character. The first two are not evaluated, but the third is. - s-expression
- a general term that means an atom or a grouping of atoms called a list.
- scope
- Really we mean lexical scope, which sets the range of functionality of a symbol so it can only be used inside the part of the script it is defined in. This is a longer subject and will be covered in more detail later, but when we talk about scope, we're talking about where we can use a particular defined symbol and where we cannot.
- session
- a unique interaction between a character and a scripted entity. Lasts as long as the script is still running.
- string
- A set of letters and numbers that the interpreter does not evaluate further - treats it as text. "Blue" is a string, while Blue is a symbol. (defvar colour "Blue") defines the symbol `colour` to evaluate to the string "Blue". You can also feed defvar (or other functions) a symbol which evaluates to the expected type. (defvar some-colour colour) would then set the symbol `some-colour` to evaluate to the symbol `colour`, which evaluates to the string "Blue".
- symbol
- looks just like any other word in the code. It's exactly what you intuit it to mean: a representation of something else - a value, a string, a function, a list, etc.
- variables
- As a programming term, it is a storage location paired with a symbolic name. For our purposes, it's a symbol that will evaluate to a set "something" stored: a value, another symbol, a function, etc.). (defvar symbol value) is the general form, and that makes an unchangeable variable, which you can then refer to as `symbol` for the rest of the script. There are exceptions/provisos/caveats, but they'll be discussed as they come up.
- (defun (foo bar (baz 1))
code code code) - declares a function named foo with a required argument bar and an optional argument baz that defaults to 1 if not given.
- *vars can now properly handle lists of values in addition to scalar values. Storing an instance of a class is not supported and (should) result in an exception being thrown.
The following table lists functions that return either #t or #f.
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
is-unharmed? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "unharmed" | (is-unharmed? character) | #t | (load "swclib") |
is-slightly-wounded? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "slightly wounded" | (is-slightly-wounded? character) | #f | (load "swclib") |
is-wounded? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "wounded" | (is-wounded? character) | #f | (load "swclib") |
is-badly-wounded? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "badly wounded" | (is-badly-wounded? character) | #f | (load "swclib") |
in-same-faction? | entityA entityB | Returns true if entity A and B are in or owned by the same faction. Can be written (eq? (get-entity-faction entityA)(get-entity-faction entityB)) | (in-same-faction? ) | #t | (load "swclib") |
in-container? | object container | Returns true if object is inside container | (n-container? hilt toolkit) | #t | (load "swclib") |
is-ally? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if NPC/PC is IFF friendly (defaults to self) | (is-ally? self) | #t | |
is-enemy? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if NPC/PC is IFF enemy (defaults to self) | (is-enemy? self) | #f | |
is-neutral? | player-NPC-object | Returns true if NPC/PC is IFF neutral (defaults to self) | (is-neutral? self) | #f | |
is-owner? | player | Returns true if character is the owner of the NPC | (is-owner? character) | #t | |
is-commander? | player | Returns true if character is the commander of the NPC | (is-manager? character) | #t | |
is-manager? | player | Returns true if character is the manager of the NPC | (is-manager? character) | #t | |
is-pilot? | player | Returns true if character is the owner of the NPC | (is-pilot? character) | #t | |
is-supervisor? | player | Returns true if character is the supervisor of the NPC | (is-supervisor?) | #t | |
is-freelancer? | player | Returns true if the character is a freelancer | (is-freelancer? character) | #t | |
is-traveling? | player | Checks if the character is traveling or not | (is-traveling? character) | #t | |
in-room? | entity-object | Checks if the entity is in any room at all, as opposed to outside on the surface | (in-room? entity-object) | #t | |
faction-owned? | entity | Returns true if the entity is owned by a faction | (faction-owned? self) | #t | |
empty? | list | checks if you have an empty list. Can have unexpected behaviour if attempting to store an empty list in a persistent variable. | 1. (empty? `()) 2. (empty? `(1)) |
1. #t 2. #f |
in? | needle haystack | Returns true if one or more of the elements of haystack is equal to needle. needle is an atom and haystack is a list of atoms | (in? 3 (list 1 'a 6 3 'u)) | #t | (load "funlib") |
sublists-empty? | list-of-lists | Returns true if any of the sublists are empty. Note: the function expects only lists, no atoms at the top level | (load "funlib") | ||
earlier? | timeA timeB | Returns true if timeA is less than timeB. timeA and timeB are two time objects | (load "timelib") | ||
later? | timeA timeB | Returns true if timeA is greater than timeB. timeA and timeB are two time objects | (load "timelib") | ||
same-time? | timeA timeB | Returns true if timeA is equal to timeB. timeA and timeB are two time objects | (load "timelib") | ||
enum-valid? | Tests a value for being part of an enum |
Arithmetic Operators
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
+ | number1 number2 &numberN | Adds numbers together | (+ 5 2) | 7 | |
- | number1 number2 &numberN | Subtracts numbers | (- 5 2) | 3 | |
* | number1 number2 &numberN | Multiplies numbers | (* 5 2) | 10 | |
/ | number1 number2 | Divides numbers | (/ 10 2) | 5 | |
abs | number | Returns the absolute value of number | (abs -10) | 10 | (load "mathematics") |
power | number exponent | Returns the value of numberexponent | (power 2 3) | 8 | (load "mathematics") |
minof | list-of-numbers | Returns the minimum value from a list of numbers | (minof '(2 3 7 9 1 18)) | 1 | (load "mathematics") |
maxof | list-of-numbers | Returns the maximum value from a list of numbers | (maxof '(2 3 27 9 1 18)) | 27 | (load "mathematics") |
neg? | number | Returns true if number is negative, nil if positive | (neg? -1) | #t | (load "mathematics") |
pos? | number | Returns true if number is positive, nil if negative | (pos? 1) | #t | (load "mathematics") |
zero? | number | Returns true if number is 0, nil if otherwise | (zero? 0) | #t | (load "mathematics") |
factorial | number | Returns !number | (factorial 5) | 120 | (load "mathematics") |
common-number-format | number | Returns a string with commas separating the thousands | (common-number-format 10000.51) | "10,000.51" | (load "mathematics") |
add-leading-zeros | number &HowManyDigits | Returns a string of value = number, with optional integer HowManyDigits leading zeros. HowManyDigits defaults to 1 | 1. (add-leading-zeros 3) 2. (add-leading-zeros 30) 3. (add-leading-zeros 3 2) 4. (add-leading-zeros 30 2) |
1. "03" 2. "30" 3. "003" 4. "030" |
(load "mathematics") |
floor | |||||
ceil | |||||
round | |||||
log | |||||
exp | |||||
modulo | |||||
stochastic_round | |||||
list-of-zeros | number | Makes a list of number 0s | (load "mathematics") | ||
toDigits | number base | Convert a positive whole number to its digit representation in base. If you pass a floating point number, it will be rounded down | (load "mathematics") | ||
digits-to-base | list baselist | Takes a list of digits and converts them to a base representation as provided in baselist | (load "mathematics") | ||
fromDigits | digits base | List of digits in base base and converts to decimal | (load "mathematics") | ||
add-leading-digits | digits n-digits | Takes a list of digits and normalises it to N-digits. Less than N-digits adds leading zeros | (load "mathematics") |
Comparison Operators
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
ge? | number1 number2 | Is number1 equal to or greater than number2? | (ge? 5 2) | #t | |
le? | number1 number2 | Is number1 equal to or less than number2? | (le? 5 2) | #f | |
gt? | number1 number2 | Is number1 greater than number2? | (gt? 5 2) | #t | |
lt? | number1 number2 | Is number1 less than number2? | (lt? 5 2) | #f | |
eq? | atom1 atom2 | Returns true if the two provided atoms are equal. Does not work for Lists. | 1. (eq? 1 1) 2. (eq? 1 2) |
1. #t 2. #f |
neq? | atom1 atom2 | Returns true if atom 1 is not equal to atom 2 | (neq? 1 2) | #t | (load "funlib") |
eq-lists? | listA listB | Returns true if all elements of list A are equal to all elements of list B. As of Y19D290 it doesn't take into account lists of lists, but only one-dimensional lists | 1. (eq-lists? '(a b c) '(d e f)) 2. (eq-lists? '(a b c) '(a b c)) 3. (eq-lists? '( '(a) b c)) |
1. #f 2. #f 3. Error |
(load "funlib") |
Logic Operators
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
and | boolean-expression1 boolean-expression2 &boolean-expressionN | Returns true if all exprs are true | (and? #t #f) | #f | |
or | boolean-expression1 boolean-expression2 &boolean-expressionN | Returns true if at least one expr is true | (or #t #f) | #t | |
not | boolean-expression1 boolean-expression2 &boolean-expressionN | Returns the opposite value | (not #t) | #f |
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
get-name | player-NPC-object | Returns the name of the entity | 1. (get-name self) 2. (get-name (get-entity-faction character)) 3. (get-name (get-container self)) 4. (get-name (get-vehicle 1150488)) |
1. Johnny Walker 2. New Republic (empty string if Freelance 3. Tydirium (Current container name, e.g. the ship or vehicle standing in) 4. My vehicle |
get-race | player-NPC | Returns the PC/NPC's race as string | (get-race self) | Nautolan | |
get-infofield | player-NPC | Returns the string of the first infofield of PC/NPC's | 1. (get-infofield self) 2. (get-infofield (get-npc 111548)) |
1. Master Carpenter 2. empty string |
get-infofield2 | player-NPC | Returns the string of the 2nd infofield of PC/NPC's | 1. (get-infofield2 self) 2. (get-infofield2 (get-character "Kay Dallben")) |
1. O-4 2. |
get-infofield3 | player-NPC | Returns the string of the 3rd infofield of PC/NPC's | 1. (get-infofield3 self) 2. (get-infofield3 (get-character "Kay Dallben")) |
1. Inactive 2. |
get-gender | player-NPC | Returns the PC/NPC's gender as a string | (get-gender self) | Male | |
get-formal | player-NPC | Returns the PC/NPC's formal greeting (Sir if gender is male, Ma'am if gender is female.) | (get-formal (get-character "Kay Dallben")) | Sir | |
get-entity-faction | player-NPC | Returns the PC/NPC's current faction | (get-entity-faction character) | Galactic Empire | |
get-destination | entity | Returns the destination name | (get-destination entity) | "Corellia sector" (if deep space) "Corellia system" (if heading to that system) "Corellia planet" (if heading in sublight) | |
get-eta | entity | Returns the ETA for current travel | (get-eta entity) | 3 days, 24 hours and 5 minutes | |
get-entity-type-name | entity | Returns the name of the type of the entity | (get-entity-type-name (get-container self)) | Lambda Shuttle | |
get-type | entity-object | Returns the current container entity type, e.g. the ship, vehicle, city, planet, station | (get-type entity-object) | Ship, Vehicle, City, Planet, Space Station | |
get-entity-type-id | name | Type ID for the entity type name. {Ship, Vehicle, City, Planet, Space Station} | (get-entity-type-id 'Planet) -> | n/a | |
get-type-type | typeID entityType | returns a full TYPE | (get-type-type 298 (enum "EntityType" "ITEM")) is equal to (get-item-type 298) | ||
get-creature-type | typeID | returns the type of Creature | (get-creature-type 175) returns the type for an Eye-Snatcher | ||
get-droid-type | typeID | returns the type of Droid | (get-droid-type 14) gets the droid type obj for Pit Droids | ||
get-item-type | typeID | returns the type of Item | (get-item-type 298) returns the type of a Focusing Crystal | ||
get-npc-type | typeID | returns the type of NPC | (get-npc-type NUM) returns the type for a NPC of typeid NUM | needs testing | |
get-type-of | entity | returns the type object for the entity | (get-type-of self) could return the type for a Quest NPC (if self is a quest npc) | ||
get-npc-owner | returns the "NPC Owner" object | useful for an is-unclaimed? check. | |||
get-hostile-owner | returns the "Hostile Owner" object | ie checks if it is a spawned Bandit/Creature | |||
get-market-owner | returns the "Market Owner" object | ||||
get-character | name | entity-object for character "name" | (get-character "Kay Dallben") | n/a | |
get-faction | name | faction-object for faction "name" | (get-faction "Darkness") | n/a | |
get-npc | id | npc-object for NPC with ID id | (get-npc 155408) | n/a | |
get-quest | id | quest-object for quest with ID id | (get-quest 4408) | n/a | |
get-item | id | item-object for item with ID id | (get-item 481099) | n/a | |
get-ship | id | ship-object for ship with ID id | (get-ship 448088) | n/a | |
get-vehicle | id | vehicle-object for vehicle with ID id | (get-vehicle 46846816) | n/a | |
get-room | id | room object for room ID. Rooms are commonly numbered among ALL of a given entity type. So all VSDs have the same room numbers, and no other entity has those room numbers. | (get-room 4478) | n/a | |
get-id | entity | ID for the entity | (get-id (get-npc 100)) -> 100 | n/a | |
get-hp-status-text | entity | string of the hp-status-text {unharmed, slightly-wounded, etc.} | (get-hp-status-text self) | n/a | |
get-owner | entity | owner object of entity | (get-owner self)-> Kay Dallben | ||
get-container | entity | entity-object for container of entity. | (get-container self) | n/a | |
get-location | entity | String of location (currently including hyperlinks) if viewable without godmoding. | needs testing | ||
get-storageform | entity get-entity-type-name | Returns a storageform for the entity. As of Y19D290 it works only on entities of types: NPC, Item, Ship, Room, Vehicle, Character (missing entities: Quest, Hook, Faction, Facility, Station, Droid). NOTE: If you use this in a script module you must bind the function (get-entity-type-name) |
(get-storageform (get-npc 22048668) get-entity-type-name) | '("NPC" "Quest NPC" 22048668 "Vash Thompson") | (load "swclib") |
get-entity-from-storageform | storageform | Returns the entity object described in storageform. storageform is a list in the form of '("NPC" "Quest NPC" 22048668 "Vash Thompson") | (load "swclib") | ||
get-first-n | n list | Returns the first n elements of list. If n > (length list) it returns the whole list. n is an integer and list is a list | (get-first-n 3 '(a b c d e f g h i j)) | '(a b c) | (load "funlib") |
get-name-typeof | entity-type | Returns just the Name component of the entity-type. entity-type is a type, i.e. what you can get from (get-typeof entity) | (defvar held-in-hand (get-item FocusingCrystalid)) (get-name-typeof (get-typeof held-in-hand)) |
"Focusing Crystal" | (load "funlib") |
get-nth | haystack nth | Returns the nth element of haystack using car and cdr only. This does not call the PHP nth-of, so it can return a symbol. It might have performance issues for large lists or large nth |
(get-nth ?? | ?? | (load "funlib") |
Functions for SWC Database
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
faction-type | player-NPC | Character's faction's type | (faction-type (get-entity-faction character)) | Mining (Empty string if freelance) | |
faction-leader | player-NPC | Character's faction's leaders name | (faction-leader (get-entity-faction character)) | Ellias (Empty String if freelance) | |
faction-website | player-NPC | Character's faction's website URL | (faction-website (get-entity-faction character)) | http://swcombine.com (Link) (Empty string if freelance) | |
city-name | player-NPC | Current city name | (city-name character) | City 327 | |
planet-name | player-NPC | Current planet name | (planet-name character) | Glee Anselm | |
system-name | player-NPC | Current system name | (system-name character) | Danju | |
sector-name | player-NPC | Current sector name | (sector-name character) | Tapani |
Time Related Functions
Functions that are useful in the tracking and manipulation of Time objects. Time objects are lists in the form of '(Y D H M S).
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
cgt-year | n.a. | Gets current CGT year | (cgt-year) | 12 | |
cgt-day | n.a. | Gets current CGT day | (cgt-day) | 183 | |
cgt-hour | n.a. | Gets current CGT hour | (cgt-hour) | 23 | |
cgt-minute | n.a. | Gets current CGT minutes | (cgt-minute) | 59 | |
cgt-second | n.a. | Gets current CGT seconds | (cgt-second) | 59 | |
timeofday | n.a. | Gets current phase of day based on the CGT hour. Morning (<=12), Afternoon(<=18), or else Evening | (timeofday) | Morning, Afternoon, Evening | |
now-time | n.a. | Returns the 'time' object for Now | (now-time) | (load "timelib") | |
now-seconds | n.a. | Returns the seconds for Now | (now-seconds) | (load "timelib") | |
now-plus-days | amount | Add amount to Now in days | (now-plus-days 3) | a time object that is 3 days from Now | (load "timelib") |
now-plus-hours | amount | Add amount to Now in hours | (now-plus-hours 5) | a time object that is 5 hours from Now | (load "timelib") |
now-plus-minutes | amount | Add amount to Now in minutes | (now-plus-minutes 18) | a time object that is 18 minutes from Now | (load "timelib") |
now-plus-seconds | amount | Add amount to Now in seconds | (now-plus-seconds 55) | a time object that is 55 seconds from Now | (load "timelib") |
timer-end-time | amount-or-time &ydhms start-time | Returns a time object that marks the end of a timer of length amount-or-time beginning on start-time. The ydhms defaults to 'm (minutes) and can be 'y 'd 'h 'm 's to indicate what units amount-or-time is in. start-time defaults to now-time but is a time object to denote the start time of the timer. | 1. (timer-end-time 30) 2. (timer-end-time 5 'h '(17 192 13 57 05)) |
1. a time object that is 30 minutes from Now (the same as (now-plus-minutes 30) i.e. 30 minutes from CGT at the time of script execution 2. '(17 192 18 57 05) i.e. 5 hours from Y17 D192 at 13:57:05 being Y17D192 18:57:05 |
(load "timelib") |
time-to-string | time &format | Converts a time object to a string. format defaults to 'YDHMS | If time '(17 192 18 20 15) then: 1. (time-to-string time 'YDHMS) 2. (time-to-string time 'YYDDHHMMSS) 3. (time-to-string time 'YsDsHsMsSs) |
1. "Y17 D192 18:20:15" 2. "Year 17 Day 192 18:20:15" 3. "Years: 17 Days: 192 Hours: 18 Minutes: 20 Seconds: 15" |
(load "timelib") |
cmp-time | timeA timeB | Basic comparison of two time objects. Returns true if equal | (cmp-time) | (load "timelib") | |
fix-improper-time | time | Corrects an improper time object. "Improper" refers only to D, H, M, S being out of bounds. -60 < M < 60; -60 < S < 60; -23 < H < 23; -365 < D < 365 |
(load "timelib") | ||
add-n | time amount | Adds that amount of n to the time. n is any of seconds mins hrs days years | (load "timelib") | ||
add-times | timeA timeB | Returns the time object which is the sum of timeA and timesB. Proper format. | (load "timelib") | ||
add-ydhms-to | time ydhms amount | All-encompassing time-addition function. Adds amount 'y 'd 'h 'm or 's to time. You can also use 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 to refer to year, day, hour, minutes or seconds respectively, for ydhms | (load "timelib") | ||
sub-times | timeA timeB | Returns the time object which is timeA minus timesB | (load "timelib") | ||
diff-times | timeA timeB | Returns the time object which is the smalles difference of timeA and timeB | (load "timelib") | ||
to-seconds | time | Converts time into seconds | (load "timelib") | ||
to-time | seconds | Converts seconds into time | (load "timelib") |
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
abc | n.a. | List of strings comprising the alphabet, lowercase | (load "swclib") | ||
ABC | n.a. | List of strings comprising the alphabet, uppercase | (load "swclib") | ||
numstr | n.a. | List of strings from 1 to 9, rather than numbers | (load "swclib") | ||
aurebesh-caps | n.a. | List of strings comprising the Aurebesh alphabet, with the initial letter capitalised | "Aurek" "Besh" ... | (load "swclib") | |
aurebesh-lc | n.a. | List of strings comprising the Aurebesh alphabet, all lowercase | "aurek" "besh" ... | (load "swclib") | |
trim | ?? | ?? | |||
flash | type message | Shows a flashing message to the player to provide non-conventional extra information, for example to indicate that a journal entry was added. type is one of: 'good 'bad 'info, message is a string | (flash 'good "You have received 25 XP for helping to free the Jawas" | ||
enum | Retrieves a named value from a specific enum | (enum 'entityType 'room) | Retrieves the entity type value for rooms | ||
enum-values | Retrieves all values from an enum | ||||
substr | string start &length | Carves out a portion of a string. start is the position of the first character in the string you want to get, and length is the number of characters you want (default is to the end of the string). Positions begin at 0 for the first character. You can also use a negative number to indicate you want to start "that many" characters from the end of the string | 1. (substr "I like cheese" 2) 2. (substr "I like cheese" 0 6) 3. (substr "I like cheese" -6) |
1. "like cheese" 2. "I like" 3. "cheese" |
strpos | string find start | Looks in string for the string find starting to look at position start, and returns the position in string where it finds it | 1. (strpos "I like cheese" "like") 2. (strpos "I like cheese" " ") 3. (strpos "I like cheese" " " 2) |
1. 2 2. 1 3. 6 (looking for a space but beginning after the first space) |
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
join | separator-character list | Combines the elements of list with the separator-character to form a string | (join ", " (list "Green" "Blue" "Yellow")) | "Green, Blue, Yellow, " | (load "funlib") |
map | function list | Calls function for each member of list and returns the list of results | (map (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) (list 1 0 4)) | (3 2 6) | (load "funlib") |
apply-foreach | function list | Calls function once for each member in list, using the element as the single parameter. Returns #f (i.e., does not return a list of results) | (apply-foreach (lambda (x) (say (x)) (list "I like" "cheesy poofs." "Do you?")) | I like cheesy poofs. Do you? |
(load "funlib") |
append | list element | Adds element to the end of list | (append (list 1 2) 3) | (1 2 3) | (load "funlib") |
list-append | list1 list-to-append | Adds all the elements of the list list-to-append to the end of list1 | (list-append '(1 2) '(3 4)) | '(1 2 3 4) | (load "funlib") |
reduce | function init list | Reduces a list to a single value, using the combiner function provided, which function takes two inputs init and (car list) | (reduce (lambda (x y) (+ x (* 2 y))) 0 (list 1 2 3)) | 12 [i.e. (((0 + 2*1) + (2*2)) + (2*3)) ] | (load "funlib") |
repeat-fn | function num-times object | Repeats function for the number of num-times on object | (repeat-fn (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 4 0) | 4 | (load "funlib") |
rand-from-list-unique | n list | Returns a list of n elements taken randomly from list, without any duplicates, even if an element appears multiple times in list. n is an integer and list is a list. Note that currently this returns a list of strings if the element chosen is a symbol, due to PHP | (rand-from-list-unique 7 '(a b c d a a q)) | '("c" "d" "a" "b" "q") | (load "funlib") |
find-first-of | vals list-to-search (matchfun? eq?) | Returns a list of the first value in vals found in list-to-search and the first position (integer with 0 = first element) in list-to-search where vals is found. vals is an atom or a list of atoms to look for in list-to-search | (find-first-of (list 0 2 5) (list 1 3 2 7 5 0)) | (list 2 2) | (load "funlib") |
find-in | atom list-to-search (start-position -1) (matchfun? eq?) | Returns the first position (integer with 0 = first element) where atom is found in list-to-search | (find-in 7 (list 3 6 1 7 3 9 7)) | 3 | (load "funlib") |
zip | list1 list2 | Returns a list of pairs of the corresponding elements of list1 and list2. list1 and list2 must be lists of atoms of equal length | (zip '(1 2 3 4) '(a b c d)) | '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d)) | (load "funlib") |
without | needle haystack | Returns a list equal to haystack with all occurrences of needle removed. haystack is a list of atoms and needle is an atom | (without "blue" (list "red" "yellow" "blue" "orange" "blue" "white")) | (list "red" "yellow" "orange" "white") | (load "funlib") |
l-to-csv | my-list | Returns a csv-concatenated list of the elements of my-list. my-list is a list of atoms which are convertible to strings | (l-to-csv '(1 b a 3 d c)) | '("1,b,a,3,d,c") | (load "funlib") |
replace-nth | my-list n value | Returns a list which is a copy of my-list with the nth value changed. my-list is a list, n is an integer, value is a s-expression. Note: the first element of a list is 0. | (replace-nth '(a b c d e f g) 3 "Hornswaggle") | '( a b c "Hornswaggle" e f g) | (load "funlib") |
matchup | val searchlist fetchlist | Finds the position of the first occurrence of val in searchlist, and returns the same position element of fetchlist. val is a value to search for, searchlist is a list to search in, and fetchlist is the list from which to return the corresponding element. Note: this returns a string instead of a symbol if the corresponding element of fetchlist is a symbol | (matchup "b" '("a" "b" "c" "d")) '("A monkey" "An eagle" "A lion" "A snake")) | "An eagle" | (load "funlib") |
remove-first | needle haystack | Returns haystack without the first occurrence of needle located in it. needle is an atom, haystack is a list | (remove-first x '(1 2 4 x f x 4)) | '(1 2 4 f x 4) | (load "funlib") |
remove-nth-of | haystack nth | Returns haystack without the nth element. haystack is a list, nth is an integer. Note: the first element of a list is the 0th element | (remove-nth-of '(1 2 4 x f x 4) 3) | '(1 2 4 f x 4) | (load "funlib") |
ziplets | list-of-lists | Returns a list of n-lets made up of the corresponding elements of each list in list-of-lists. list-of-lists is a list of lists of atoms | (ziplets (list (list "I" "You" "We all") (list "scream" "scream" "scream") (list "for ice cream" "for ice cream" "for ice cream"))) | (("I" "scream" "for ice cream") ("You" "scream" "for ice cream") ("We all" "scream" "for ice cream")) | (load "funlib") |
sublist-firstof | list-of-lists | Returns a list of the car of each sublist |
(load "funlib") | ||
rand-from-list | |||||
sort | Numerical sorting of lists | ||||
length | Returns the length of a list | ||||
nth-of | Returns the nth element of a list | ||||
sublist | Returns some number of elements from the middle of a list | ||||
reverse | Reverses the elements in a list (at the top level) | ||||
make-seq | number (function n) | Creates a list of integer number+1 terms using the passed function of the termid. Function must take one integer as a parameter | 1. (make-seq 3 (lambda (n) (+ n 1))) 2. (make-seq 2 (lambda (n) 1)) |
1. '(4 3 2 1) 2. '(1 1 1) |
(load "funlib") |
find-matches-in | val searchlist (matchfun?) | (load "funlib") | |||
find-pos-of-matches-in | val searchlist (counter) (matchfun?) | (load "funlib") | |||
drop-first-n | num list | Removes first num elements of list | (load "funlib") | ||
remove-duplicates | list | Removes duplicates from one-dimensional list of atmos list | (load "funlib") | ||
set-nth | list nth val | Returns list with the nth element replaced with val | (load "funlib") |
Conditional Statements
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
case | val caselist &compfun | val is the value to check against; each case in caselist which is a list of case lists in the form `(checkval ,toDo); &compfun is an optional function which takes 2 parameters and outputs #t or #f. Default is eq? . Note: eq? doesn't work on lists, so only use atoms for the checkval. It is also possible to write a case type in longer form, as follows: (list (list "blue" (set-var! x "blue")) (list "yellow" (set-var! y "yellow"))) |
`(("blue" ,(set-var! x "blue")) ("yellow" ,(set-var! y "yellow"))) | (load "funlib") | |
cond | [test result] | test is a s-expression that evaluates to #t or #f, result is a s-expression to execute if true | (cond [is-owner? (say "Hi, Boss!")] [#t (say "Hello World!")]) |
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
create-hook | Creates a hook that listen to specific in-game events (combat, travel, asset transfer, etc. for use with quests) and then call a lisp function | ||||
get-hook | Retrieves a hook by ID | ||||
delete-hook | Deletes an existing hook | ||||
has-room-in-party |
Conversational Functions
Function Name | Required &Optional ("&") Parameters | Description | Example Text | Example Evaluation | Notes |
say | message &close | Output: NPC "says" message. &close is boolean (defaults to true). If true, this will start a new paragraph. | (say "Hello World!") | "Hello World!" | |
describe | message &close | Output: NPC "describes" message. &close is boolean (defaults to true). If true, this will start a new paragraph. | (describe "The droid beeps and burps.") | The droid beeps and burps. | |
ooc | message &close | Output: NPC "oocs" message. &close is boolean (defaults to true). If true, this will start a new paragraph. | (ooc "Now go to the mentioned location and talk to the NPC there.") | ||
say-c | message | Output: NPC "says" message, continuing previous paragraph and using that formatting, without inserting linebreaks | |||
describe-c | message | Output: NPC "describes" message, continuing previous paragraph and using that formatting, without inserting linebreaks | |||
ooc-c | message | Output: NPC "oocs" message, continuing previous paragraph and using that formatting, without inserting linebreaks | |||
add-response | message callback | Input: Adds a clickable option labelled 'message' that will a) display "You say " message; and b) run the callback function. NOTE: Currently the callback functions may not have any parameters. | (add-response "Wow, I didn't know that!" explainmore) | say "Wow, I didn't know that!" | |
add-action | message callback | Input: Adds a clickable option labelled 'message' that will a) display "You " message; and b) run the callback function. NOTE: Currently the callback functions may not have any parameters. | (add-action " exit the room." room12) | You exit the room. | |
add-text | message callback | Input: Adds a clickable option labelled 'message' that will not display anything and simply run the callback function. NOTE: Currently the callback functions may not have any parameters. Useful for multi-step decision trees, options menus, etc. that may not need to print something from the player's perspective | |||
add-input | message callback | Input: creates a text box for the user to type something in. | |||
clear-window | Clears the current conversation log window before rendering the information from the current interaction |
Other Resources
You can also check out: http://racket-lang.org/ which is a version of LISP similar to SWC-Lisp and decent to practice with to get the basic idea of programming in LISP.
There is also LISP In Small Parts which is a good simple overview and basic introduction to LISP's methodology of programming. It primarily focuses on thinking about how to use the language, rather than memorizing the CLISP native functions (which won't help you in SWC-LISP).