SWC LISP/Modules
See the Rules Page on SWC for additional explanations.
Two new language constructs are load
to use a module and module-export
called from within a module (only useful here!) to declare a symbol to be made available outside the module. Modules have private internal state allowing for personal variables, etc.
(load "swclib")
Contact: Selatos; Kay Dallben
(load "funlib")
Contact: Selatos, Kay Dallben
(load "mathematics")
Contact: Kay Dallben
(load "timelib")
Contact: Kay Dallben, mackaybre at gmail dot com
This library was removed as module and cannot be loaded. However, it is possible to use the functions by copying/pasting them. These functions insert appropriate pronoun string based on gender.
(defun (female? (who self)) (cond [(eq? (get-gender who) "female") #t] [#t #f]))
(defun (male? (who self)) (cond [(eq? (get-gender who) "male") #t] [#t #f]))
(defun (HeShe? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "She"] [#t "He"]))
(defun (heshe? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "she"] [#t "he"]))
(defun (HerHis? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "Her"] [#t "His"]))
(defun (herhis? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "her"] [#t "his"]))
(defun (HerHim? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "Her"] [#t "Him"]))
(defun (herhim? (who self)) (cond [(female? who) "her"] [#t "him"]))
- (say (concat "Yes, " (heshe (get-npc 54486)) " is pretty silly.")) -> "Yes, he is pretty silly."
- (describe (concat (HerHis self) " gun points directly at you.")) -> Her gun points directly at you.
- heshe player-NPC-object
- HeShe player-NPC-object
- herhis player-NPC-object
- HerHis player-NPC-object
- herhim player-NPC-object
- HerHim player-NPC-object
Keyboard-Al Sayif
This Script Module (and paired NPC-Script requirements) enables a character-by-character input of a string into a script.
NPC Script Requirements
;;;; --------------------------------------------- ;; Corresponding Content for NPC/Entity
(load "Keyboard-Al Sayif" "") (load "swclib")
(bind-keyboard-mself (get-id self) 'npc) (bind-keyboard-convo say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c) (bind-keyboard-responses add-action add-response add-text) (bind-keyboard-utils clear-window)
(defun oncancel ; Called when you hit the Cancel Button. Edit as needed. (ooc "Cancelled Keyboard Input."))
(defun onfinish ; called when user clicks the Enter button. Edit as needed. (clear-window) (say (myconcat "Well it's very nice to meet you, Mr. " (get-keyboard-response))))
(bind-keyboard-callbacks onfinish oncancel)
(defun start ;; Example to go straight into it. Edit as needed, or just use start-keyboard. (describe "Enter your input on the keypad. As you click the screen will update.") (start-keyboard))
;;;; ---------------------------------------------
- clears the window and starts the Keyboard Input script: Asks for input character by character. CAPS toggles between UPPERCASE and lowercase for letter, BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
- returns a string of the saved input from the keyboard.
- clears the window and starts the Keypad Input script: Asks for input character by character (numbers 0 - 9 only). BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
Contact: Kay Dallben
Very similar to Keyboard, but this one allows you to send an arbitrary keyset (in the form of a list of strings) to be the options. This can be numbers only, letters, or even whole words. The Keyset must be a list of strings. Using return functions during the same session, you can obtain the results in either hyphen-separated String format or a list of entries.
NPC Script Requirements
;;;; --------------------------------------------- ;; Corresponding Content for NPC/Entity
(load "input-general") (load "swclib")
(bind-ninp-mself (get-id self) 'npc) (bind-ninp-convo say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c) (bind-ninp-responses add-action add-response add-text) (bind-ninp-utils clear-window)
(defun oncancel ; Called when you hit the Cancel Button. Edit as needed. (ooc "Cancelled Input."))
(defun onfinish ; called when user clicks the Enter button. Edit as needed. (clear-window) (say (myconcat "The code you provided was: " (get-input-str))))
(bind-ninp-callbacks onfinish oncancel)
(defun start ;; Example to go straight into it. (start-n-input `("Red" "Blue" "Yellow") "Provide a code sequence made up of the following colours:" ))
;;;; ---------------------------------------------
- keyset (list) optional:::display-instructions(string) optional:::default-input(list)
- clears the window and starts the input script with the list of available options.
- allows user to input an unlimited amount of each key.
- auto-adds the usual controlling options: BACK removes the last-entered key, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
- displays the provided instructions or "Input:" if nothing is provided.
- starts with the provided default-input or `empty` if none provided.
Example: (start-n-input `("Red" "Yellow" "Blue") "Create the desired code from the following possible choices:")
- keyset (list) optional:::display-instructions(string) optional:::default-input(list)
- clears the window and starts the input script with the list of available options.
- the user may select each key in keyset only once. (IE: Use for non-repeating options, manual re-ordering of lists, etc.)
- auto-adds the usual controlling options: BACK removes the last-entered key, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
- displays the provided instructions or "Input:" if nothing is provided.
- starts with the provided default-input or `empty` if none provided.
Example: (start-nex-input `("Red" "Yellow" "Blue") "Rank these colours in order from your most favourite to your least favourite:")
- returns a string of the saved input from the active session (IE: as it it shown during input)
Example: Keyset: `("Red" "Yellow" "Blue") Input shows Blue-Blue-Yellow, will return: "Blue-Blue-Yellow")
- returns a list of the input (letter by letter or entry-by-entry) from the active session.
Example: Keyset: `("Red" "Yellow" "Blue") Input shows Blue-Blue-Yellow, will return: `("Blue" "Blue" "Yellow")
Contact: Kay Dallben
A small module for the purposes of passing lists of say, ooc, describe, or lists of add-response, add-action, add-text statements to be evaluated. Should help in situations where you want to dynamically create options or speeches, for example multi-level option lists, etc.
NB: Right now the batch say/etc. seems to break at about 90 elements, and that's really laggy so careful with your spam.
- ---------------------------------------------
Functions available for use:
display-element disp-list
- disp-list is a list in the form of:
(list stringCode (list say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c))
- I recommend setting up in your script module or NPC/Item script
(defvar dfuns (list say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c)) and/or a wrapper function (defun (disp string-code) (display-element (list string-code dfuns))
- NB: not particularly useful except in conjunction with script-generated strings that might be of any of the forms.
disp-factory disp-strings funclist
- disp-strings is a list in the form (list "$s Say This" "$d Describe That" "$o OOC The other Thing" )
- funclist is the dfuns mentioned above (list say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c)
NOTE: for both display-element and disp-factory, the strings use prefixes: "$s " is say, "$sc " is say-c, "$d " is describe, "$dc " is describe-c "$o " is ooc, "$oc " is ooc-c.
show-option optns
- displays the option.
- options is a list of an option-list and the list of option funs (list add-response add-action add-text)
- option-list example (list "^r I like cheese." likes-cheese), where `likes-cheese` is a no-parameter function defined in your script.
- again, prefixes used are ^r ^a ^t for response, action, text respectively. Make sure you put a space between the prefix and the Label text.
option-factory list-of-option-lists optn-funs
- takes this list of option-lists and prints out all the options from same.
- list-of-option-lists is a list of lists of option-lists.
Example: (list `("^r I like cheese." ,likes-cheese) `("^a leave." ,leave))
- again optn-funs is the (list add-response add-action add-text). defvar it for repetition or wrap the function in your script/SM.
@TODO: create filtering/searching functions to parse incoming lists (especially of says, oocs, describes) and combine those that can be combined (ie if the list has a say followed by a say-c, they should be combined into a single 'say').
@TODO: further functions to assist in speedy creation of the requisite lists.
Contact: Kay Dallben