Template talk:Kernelgen SOURCES = kernelgen.c

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diff --git a/app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c b/app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c index 78355fe..778c2da 100644 --- a/app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c +++ b/app/gegl/gimpoperationcagetransform.c @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recu

                                                                           gfloat              *coords);
static GimpVector2  gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination               (GimpCageConfig      *config,
                                                                           gfloat              *coef,

+ Babl *format_coef,

                                                                           GeglBuffer          *coef_buf,
                                                                           GimpVector2          coords);
GeglRectangle       gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_cached_region       (GeglOperation       *operation,

@@ -215,12 +216,14 @@ gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,

  GeglRectangle               cage_bb;
  gfloat                     *coords;
  gfloat                     *coef;

+ Babl *format_coef;

  GimpVector2                 plain_color;
  GeglBufferIterator         *it;
  gint                        x, y;

  /* pre-fill the out buffer with no-displacement coordinate */

- it = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (out_buf, roi, NULL, GEGL_BUFFER_WRITE); + it = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (out_buf, roi, NULL, GEGL_BUFFER_WRITE); + cage_bb = gimp_cage_config_get_bounding_box (config);

  plain_color.x = (gint) config->cage_points[0].src_point.x;
  plain_color.y = (gint) config->cage_points[0].src_point.y;

@@ -260,11 +263,12 @@ gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,


- /* compute, reverse and interpolate the transformation */ - cage_bb = gimp_cage_config_get_bounding_box (config); - coords = g_slice_alloc (2 * sizeof (gfloat)); - coef = g_malloc (config->n_cage_vertices * 2 * sizeof (gfloat)); + /* pre-allocate memory outside of the loop */ + coords = g_slice_alloc (2 * sizeof (gfloat)); + coef = g_malloc (config->n_cage_vertices * 2 * sizeof (gfloat)); + format_coef = babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2 * config->n_cage_vertices);

+ /* compute, reverse and interpolate the transformation */

  for (x = cage_bb.x; x < cage_bb.x + cage_bb.width - 1; x++)
      GimpVector2 p1_d, p2_d, p3_d, p4_d;

@@ -277,8 +281,8 @@ gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,

      p4_s.x = x;
      p4_s.y = cage_bb.y;

- p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, aux_buf, p3_s); - p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, aux_buf, p4_s); + p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p3_s); + p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p4_s);

      for (y = cage_bb.y; y < cage_bb.y + cage_bb.height - 1; y++)

@@ -289,8 +293,8 @@ gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,

          p1_d = p4_d;
          p2_d = p3_d;

- p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, aux_buf, p3_s); - p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, aux_buf, p4_s); + p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p3_s); + p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p4_s);

          if (gimp_cage_config_point_inside (config, x, y))

@@ -487,6 +491,7 @@ gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (GimpOperationCag

static GimpVector2
gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (GimpCageConfig *config,
                                         gfloat         *coef,

+ Babl *format_coef,

                                         GeglBuffer     *coef_buf,
                                         GimpVector2     coords)

@@ -494,7 +499,6 @@ gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (GimpCageConfig *config,

  GeglRectangle  rect;
  GimpVector2    result;
  gint           cvn = config->n_cage_vertices;

- Babl *format_coef = babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2 * cvn);

  gint           i;

  rect.height = 1;

/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program

* gimpoperationcage.c
* Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Muré <batolettre@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  1. include "config.h"
  1. include <gegl.h>
  2. include <gegl-buffer-iterator.h>
  1. include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h"
  2. include "libgimpmath/gimpmath.h"
  1. include "gimp-gegl-types.h"
  1. include "gimpoperationcagetransform.h"
  2. include "gimpcageconfig.h"

enum {



static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_finalize (GObject *object); static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_property (GObject *object,

                                                                          guint                property_id,
                                                                          GValue              *value,
                                                                          GParamSpec          *pspec);

static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_set_property (GObject *object,

                                                                          guint                property_id,
                                                                          const GValue        *value,
                                                                          GParamSpec          *pspec);

static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_prepare (GeglOperation *operation); static gboolean gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,

                                                                          GeglBuffer          *in_buf,
                                                                          GeglBuffer          *aux_buf,
                                                                          GeglBuffer          *out_buf,
                                                                          const GeglRectangle *roi);

static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs

                                                                         (GimpOperationCageTransform  *oct,
                                                                          GeglBuffer          *out_buf,
                                                                          const GeglRectangle *roi,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p1_s,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p1_d,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p2_s,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p2_d,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p3_s,
                                                                          GimpVector2          p3_d,
                                                                          gint                 recursion_depth,
                                                                          gfloat              *coords);

static GimpVector2 gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (GimpCageConfig *config,

                                                                          gfloat              *coef,
                                                                          Babl                *format_coef,
                                                                          GeglBuffer          *coef_buf,
                                                                          GimpVector2          coords);

GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_cached_region (GeglOperation *operation,

                                                                          const GeglRectangle *roi);

GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_required_for_output (GeglOperation *operation,

                                                                          const gchar         *input_pad,
                                                                          const GeglRectangle *roi);

GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_bounding_box (GeglOperation *operation);

G_DEFINE_TYPE (GimpOperationCageTransform, gimp_operation_cage_transform,

  1. define parent_class gimp_operation_cage_transform_parent_class

static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_class_init (GimpOperationCageTransformClass *klass) {

 GObjectClass               *object_class    = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
 GeglOperationClass         *operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass);
 GeglOperationComposerClass *filter_class    = GEGL_OPERATION_COMPOSER_CLASS (klass);
 object_class->get_property               = gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_property;
 object_class->set_property               = gimp_operation_cage_transform_set_property;
 object_class->finalize                   = gimp_operation_cage_transform_finalize;
 operation_class->name                    = "gimp:cage-transform";
 operation_class->categories              = "transform";
 operation_class->description             = "GIMP cage reverse transform";
 operation_class->prepare                 = gimp_operation_cage_transform_prepare;
 operation_class->get_required_for_output = gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_required_for_output;
 operation_class->get_cached_region       = gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_cached_region;
 operation_class->no_cache                = FALSE;
 operation_class->get_bounding_box        = gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_bounding_box;
 filter_class->process                    = gimp_operation_cage_transform_process;
 g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONFIG,
                                  g_param_spec_object ("config", NULL, NULL,
                                                       G_PARAM_READWRITE |
 g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_FILL,
                                  g_param_spec_boolean ("fill-plain-color",
                                                        "Blocking render",
                                                        "Fill the original position of the cage with a plain color",


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_init (GimpOperationCageTransform *self) {

 self->format_coords = babl_format_n(babl_type("float"), 2);


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_finalize (GObject *object) {

 GimpOperationCageTransform *self = GIMP_OPERATION_CAGE_TRANSFORM (object);
 if (self->config)
     g_object_unref (self->config);
     self->config = NULL;
 G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_property (GObject *object,

                                           guint       property_id,
                                           GValue     *value,
                                           GParamSpec *pspec)


 GimpOperationCageTransform *self = GIMP_OPERATION_CAGE_TRANSFORM (object);
 switch (property_id)
   case PROP_CONFIG:
     g_value_set_object (value, self->config);
   case PROP_FILL:
     g_value_set_boolean (value, self->fill_plain_color);
     G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_set_property (GObject *object,

                                           guint         property_id,
                                           const GValue *value,
                                           GParamSpec   *pspec)


 GimpOperationCageTransform *self = GIMP_OPERATION_CAGE_TRANSFORM (object);
 switch (property_id)
   case PROP_CONFIG:
     if (self->config)
       g_object_unref (self->config);
     self->config = g_value_dup_object (value);
   case PROP_FILL:
     self->fill_plain_color = g_value_get_boolean (value);
     G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_prepare (GeglOperation *operation) {

 GimpOperationCageTransform *oct    = GIMP_OPERATION_CAGE_TRANSFORM (operation);
 GimpCageConfig             *config = GIMP_CAGE_CONFIG (oct->config);
 gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "input",
                            babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"),
                                           2 * config->n_cage_vertices));
 gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "output",
                            babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2));


static gboolean gimp_operation_cage_transform_process (GeglOperation *operation,

                                      GeglBuffer          *in_buf,
                                      GeglBuffer          *aux_buf,
                                      GeglBuffer          *out_buf,
                                      const GeglRectangle *roi)


 GimpOperationCageTransform *oct    = GIMP_OPERATION_CAGE_TRANSFORM (operation);
 GimpCageConfig             *config = GIMP_CAGE_CONFIG (oct->config);
 GeglRectangle               cage_bb;
 gfloat                     *coords;
 gfloat                     *coef;
 Babl                       *format_coef;
 GimpVector2                 plain_color;
 GeglBufferIterator         *it;
 gint                        x, y;
 /* pre-fill the out buffer with no-displacement coordinate */
 it      = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (out_buf, roi, NULL, GEGL_BUFFER_WRITE);
 cage_bb = gimp_cage_config_get_bounding_box (config);
 plain_color.x = (gint) config->cage_points[0].src_point.x;
 plain_color.y = (gint) config->cage_points[0].src_point.y;
 while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (it))
     /* iterate inside the roi */
     gint    n_pixels = it->length;
     gfloat *output   = it->data[0];
     x = it->roi->x; /* initial x         */
     y = it->roi->y; /* and y coordinates */
     while (n_pixels--)
         if (oct->fill_plain_color &&
             gimp_cage_config_point_inside (config, x, y))
             output[0] = plain_color.x;
             output[1] = plain_color.y;
             output[0] = x;
             output[1] = y;
         output += 2;
         /* update x and y coordinates */
         if (x >= (it->roi->x + it->roi->width))
             x = it->roi->x;
 /* pre-allocate memory outside of the loop */
 coords      = g_slice_alloc (2 * sizeof (gfloat));
 coef        = g_malloc (config->n_cage_vertices * 2 * sizeof (gfloat));
 format_coef = babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2 * config->n_cage_vertices);
 /* compute, reverse and interpolate the transformation */
 for (x = cage_bb.x; x < cage_bb.x + cage_bb.width - 1; x++)
     GimpVector2 p1_d, p2_d, p3_d, p4_d;
     GimpVector2 p1_s, p2_s, p3_s, p4_s;
     p1_s.x = x;
     p2_s.x = x+1;
     p3_s.x = x+1;
     p3_s.y = cage_bb.y;
     p4_s.x = x;
     p4_s.y = cage_bb.y;
     p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p3_s);
     p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p4_s);
     for (y = cage_bb.y; y < cage_bb.y + cage_bb.height - 1; y++)
         p1_s = p4_s;
         p2_s = p3_s;
         p3_s.y = y+1;
         p4_s.y = y+1;
         p1_d = p4_d;
         p2_d = p3_d;
         p3_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p3_s);
         p4_d = gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (config, coef, format_coef, aux_buf, p4_s);
         if (gimp_cage_config_point_inside (config, x, y))
             gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                             p1_s, p1_d,
                                                                             p2_s, p2_d,
                                                                             p3_s, p3_d,
             gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                             p1_s, p1_d,
                                                                             p3_s, p3_d,
                                                                             p4_s, p4_d,
 g_free (coef);
 g_slice_free1 (2 * sizeof (gfloat), coords);
 return TRUE;


static void gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (GimpOperationCageTransform *oct,

                                                               GeglBuffer                 *out_buf,
                                                               const GeglRectangle        *roi,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p1_s,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p1_d,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p2_s,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p2_d,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p3_s,
                                                               GimpVector2                 p3_d,
                                                               gint                        recursion_depth,
                                                               gfloat                     *coords)


 GeglRectangle rect = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
 gint          xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
 if (p1_d.x > roi->x + roi->width) return;
 if (p2_d.x > roi->x + roi->width) return;
 if (p3_d.x > roi->x + roi->width) return;
 if (p1_d.y > roi->y + roi->height) return;
 if (p2_d.y > roi->y + roi->height) return;
 if (p3_d.y > roi->y + roi->height) return;
 if (p1_d.x <= roi->x) return;
 if (p2_d.x <= roi->x) return;
 if (p3_d.x <= roi->x) return;
 if (p1_d.y <= roi->y) return;
 if (p2_d.y <= roi->y) return;
 if (p3_d.y <= roi->y) return;
 xmin = xmax = p1_d.x;
 ymin = ymax = p1_d.y;
 if (xmin > p2_d.x) xmin = p2_d.x;
 if (xmin > p3_d.x) xmin = p3_d.x;
 if (xmax < p2_d.x) xmax = p2_d.x;
 if (xmax < p3_d.x) xmax = p3_d.x;
 if (ymin > p2_d.y) ymin = p2_d.y;
 if (ymin > p3_d.y) ymin = p3_d.y;
 if (ymax < p2_d.y) ymax = p2_d.y;
 if (ymax < p3_d.y) ymax = p3_d.y;
 /* test if there is no more pixel in the triangle */
 if (xmin == xmax || ymin == ymax)
 /* test if the triangle is implausibly large as manifested by too deep recursion */
 if (recursion_depth > 5)
 /* test if the triangle is small enough.
  * if yes, we compute the coefficient of the barycenter for the
  * pixel (x,y) and see if a pixel is inside (ie the 3 coef have the
  * same sign).
 if (xmax - xmin == 1 && ymax - ymin == 1)
     gdouble a, b, c, denom, x, y;
     rect.x = xmax;
     rect.y = ymax;
     x = (gdouble) xmax;
     y = (gdouble) ymax;
     denom = (p2_d.x - p1_d.x) * p3_d.y + (p1_d.x - p3_d.x) * p2_d.y + (p3_d.x - p2_d.x) * p1_d.y;
     a = ((p2_d.x - x) * p3_d.y + (x - p3_d.x) * p2_d.y + (p3_d.x - p2_d.x) * y) / denom;
     b = - ((p1_d.x - x) * p3_d.y + (x - p3_d.x) * p1_d.y + (p3_d.x - p1_d.x) * y) / denom;
     c = 1.0 - a - b;
     /* if a pixel is inside, we compute its source coordinate and
      * set it in the output buffer
     if ((a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0) || (a < 0 && b < 0 && c < 0))
         coords[0] = (a * p1_s.x + b * p2_s.x + c * p3_s.x);
         coords[1] = (a * p1_s.y + b * p2_s.y + c * p3_s.y);
         gegl_buffer_set (out_buf,
     /* we cut the triangle in 4 sub-triangle and treat it recursively */
      *       /\
      *      /__\
      *     /\  /\
      *    /__\/__\
     GimpVector2 pm1_d, pm2_d, pm3_d;
     GimpVector2 pm1_s, pm2_s, pm3_s;
     gint        next_depth = recursion_depth + 1;
     pm1_d.x = (p1_d.x + p2_d.x) / 2.0;
     pm1_d.y = (p1_d.y + p2_d.y) / 2.0;
     pm2_d.x = (p2_d.x + p3_d.x) / 2.0;
     pm2_d.y = (p2_d.y + p3_d.y) / 2.0;
     pm3_d.x = (p3_d.x + p1_d.x) / 2.0;
     pm3_d.y = (p3_d.y + p1_d.y) / 2.0;
     pm1_s.x = (p1_s.x + p2_s.x) / 2.0;
     pm1_s.y = (p1_s.y + p2_s.y) / 2.0;
     pm2_s.x = (p2_s.x + p3_s.x) / 2.0;
     pm2_s.y = (p2_s.y + p3_s.y) / 2.0;
     pm3_s.x = (p3_s.x + p1_s.x) / 2.0;
     pm3_s.y = (p3_s.y + p1_s.y) / 2.0;
     gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                     p1_s, p1_d,
                                                                     pm1_s, pm1_d,
                                                                     pm3_s, pm3_d,
     gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                     pm1_s, pm1_d,
                                                                     p2_s, p2_d,
                                                                     pm2_s, pm2_d,
     gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                     pm1_s, pm1_d,
                                                                     pm2_s, pm2_d,
                                                                     pm3_s, pm3_d,
     gimp_operation_cage_transform_interpolate_source_coords_recurs (oct,
                                                                     pm3_s, pm3_d,
                                                                     pm2_s, pm2_d,
                                                                     p3_s, p3_d,


static GimpVector2 gimp_cage_transform_compute_destination (GimpCageConfig *config,

                                        gfloat         *coef,
                                        Babl           *format_coef,
                                        GeglBuffer     *coef_buf,
                                        GimpVector2     coords)


 gdouble        pos_x, pos_y;
 GeglRectangle  rect;
 GimpVector2    result;
 gint           cvn = config->n_cage_vertices;
 gint           i;
 rect.height = 1;
 rect.width  = 1;
 rect.x      = coords.x;
 rect.y      = coords.y;
 gegl_buffer_get (coef_buf, 1, &rect, format_coef, coef, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
 pos_x = 0;
 pos_y = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < cvn; i++)
     pos_x += coef[i] * config->cage_points[i].dest_point.x;
     pos_y += coef[i] * config->cage_points[i].dest_point.y;
 for (i = 0; i < cvn; i++)
     pos_x += coef[i + cvn] * config->cage_points[i].edge_scaling_factor * config->cage_points[i].edge_normal.x;
     pos_y += coef[i + cvn] * config->cage_points[i].edge_scaling_factor * config->cage_points[i].edge_normal.y;
 result.x = pos_x;
 result.y = pos_y;
 return result;


GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_cached_region (GeglOperation *operation,

                                                const GeglRectangle *roi)


 GeglRectangle result = *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation,
 return result;


GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_required_for_output (GeglOperation *operation,

                                                      const gchar         *input_pad,
                                                      const GeglRectangle *roi)


 GeglRectangle result = *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation,
 return result;


GeglRectangle gimp_operation_cage_transform_get_bounding_box (GeglOperation *operation) {

 GeglRectangle result = *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation,
 return result;
