
From Star Wars Combine :: Game Guide
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Ico inventory credits.gif

Credits are the primary currency of the Combine universe. When a person first create a character they are often given an amount of credits to start with. This amount of credits is often enough to allow them to use an NPC service and get them where they need to be or to buy some basic starting equipment. This form of currency is required to purchase anything in the combine universe and so having them is often a good thing.

Earning Credits

In order to improve their situation and to do well they will likely need more than just their starting wealth. They need to get more in order to invest in bigger and better things and there are many ways this can be achieved.

Salary Payments

This will be most peoples primary source of income. Almost all factions in the galaxy pay their members some form of a credit salary for working with them. The only exception to this is The Krath Dynasty who work on Nova Crystals which is exchangeable for credits. The majority of factions pay on a monthly basis. A players salary may be based on their performance. If they do not perform as expected or fail to meet targets then they may find their salary reduced or stopped depending upon the rules of the faction.

Facility Income

Certain facilities such as Casinos and Hotels make money for the owner. As long as the prerequisites are met then on the first day of each month all facilities will pay out a credit sum to the owner if they are in profit. In order to remain in profit, a facility must have an active Owner and Manager, it must have power, and the planet it is based on needs to have a low crime rate or it will severely reduce profits. The amount varies month on month however a player could earn a nice amount of money with facilities.


Any non government faction may opt to join the stock exchange. At present this feature is not fully implemented however a player can still profit from them. The value of shares is based on the capital of the faction and the amount of shares. A player could make money buying publicly available shares from a faction whilst they are low and then sell them later when times improve. Beware, their value could also decrease and if the faction is dissolved then such shares become worthless.

Buying and Selling

Some players opt to watch the markets for goods and search for items which are below average price. They buy the items in the hopes of reselling them for a small profit. Depending upon what is bought and at what time a player can make a good profit margin on goods.


Other players often pay highly for artwork, good artwork. Some require custom images or designs done for their favourite vehicle or ship. If that is something which a player is capable of then other players may pay highly for their services. The amount of credits a player could receive for a job varies and would be dependant upon the request, the amount of time and effort put into it as well as the end quality. If someone is skilled at design then they could easily make a large amount of money.

Combine Points

Combine Points earned through supporting the game can be exchanged for credits. Using the exchange system, a player can exchange points for credits at a ratio of 1CP = 5 credits.