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(Public Script Modules)
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* <b>herhim</b> <i>player-NPC-object</i>
* <b>herhim</b> <i>player-NPC-object</i>
* <b>HerHim</b> <i>player-NPC-object</i>
* <b>HerHim</b> <i>player-NPC-object</i>
==Keyboard-Al Sayif==
This Script Module (and paired NPC-Script requirements) enables a character-by-character input of a string into a script.
NPC Script Requirements<br />
;;;; ---------------------------------------------
;; Corresponding Content for NPC/Entity
(load "Keyboard-Al Sayif" "")
(load "swclib")
(bind-keyboard-mself (get-id self) 'npc)
(bind-keyboard-convo say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c)
(bind-keyboard-responses add-action add-response add-text)
(bind-keyboard-utils clear-window)
(defun oncancel
; Called when you hit the Cancel Button. Edit as needed.
(ooc "Cancelled Keyboard Input."))
(defun onfinish
; called when user clicks the Enter button. Edit as needed.
(say (myconcat "Well it's very nice to meet you, Mr. " (get-keyboard-response))))
(bind-keyboard-callbacks onfinish oncancel)
(defun start ;; Example to go straight into it. Edit as needed, or just use start-keyboard.
(describe "Enter your input on the keypad. As you click the screen will update.")
;;;; ---------------------------------------------
* clears the window and starts the Keyboard Input script: Asks for input character by character. CAPS toggles between UPPERCASE and lowercase for letter, BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
* returns a string of the saved input from the keyboard.
COMING SOON<sup>TM</sup>
* clears the window and starts the Keypad Input script: Asks for input character by character (numbers 0 - 9 only). BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`
Contact: Kay Dallben
[[Category:SWC LISP]]
[[Category:SWC LISP]]

Revision as of 11:42, 14 September 2018

Public Script Modules

See the Rules Page on SWC for additional explanation.


(load "swclib")

is-unharmed? player-NPC-object - returns #t if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "unharmed" EG: (is-unharmed? character) -> #t

is-slightly-wounded? player-NPC-object - returns #t if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "slightly wounded"

is-wounded? player-NPC-object - returns #t if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "wounded"

is-badly-wounded? player-NPC-object - returns #t if player-NPC-object's HP-Status-Text is "badly wounded"

Contact: Selatos; Kay Dallben


(load "funlib")

join separatorCharacter list - Combine the elements of list with the separatorCharacter to form a string EG: (join ", " (list "Green" "Blue" "Yellow")) -> "Green, Blue, Yellow,"

map function list - Call function for each member of list and return the list of results. E.g. (map (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) (list 1 0 4) ) -> (3 2 7)

apply-foreach function list - Call function for each member of list but do not return results. e.g. (apply-foreach (lamda (x) (say x)) (list "I like" "cheesy poofs." "Do you?")) -> I like cheesy poofs. Do you?

append list element - adds element to the end of list e.g. (append (list 1 2) 3) -> (1 2 3)

reduce function init list - reduce a list to a single value, using the combiner function provided, which function takes two inputs init and (car list) e.g. (reduce (lamda (x y) (+ x (* 2 y))) 0 (list 1 2 3)) -> (((0 + 2*1) + (2*2)) + (2*3)) -> 12

repeat-fn function NumTimes object - repeat function Numtimes on object e.g. (repeat (lamda (x) (+ x 1)) 4 0) -> 4

eq-lists? listA listB - preposition: is listA equal to listB -> are all elements of A = all elements of B. - Does NOT currently take into account lists of lists, so just 1D lists atm. e.g. (eq-lists? `(a b c) `(d e f)) -> #f (eq-lists? `(a b c) `(a b c)) -> #t (eq-lists? `(a b c) `( `(a) b c)) -> Error.

neq? atomA atomB - preposition: is atomA NOT equal to atomB e.g. (neq? 1 2) -> #t


This library was removed as module and cannot be loaded. However, it is possible to use the functions by copying/pasting them. These functions insert appropriate pronoun string based on gender.

(defun (female? (who self))
      [(eq? (get-gender who) "female") #t]
      [#t #f]))
(defun (male? (who self))
      [(eq? (get-gender who) "male") #t]
      [#t #f]))
(defun (HeShe? (who self))
      [(female? who) "She"]
      [#t "He"]))
(defun (heshe? (who self))
      [(female? who) "she"]
      [#t "he"]))
(defun (HerHis? (who self))
      [(female? who) "Her"]
      [#t "His"]))
(defun (herhis? (who self))
      [(female? who) "her"]
      [#t "his"]))
(defun (HerHim? (who self))
      [(female? who) "Her"]
      [#t "Him"]))
(defun (herhim? (who self))
      [(female? who) "her"]
      [#t "him"]))


  • (say (concat "Yes, " (heshe (get-npc 54486)) " is pretty silly.")) -> "Yes, he is pretty silly."
  • (describe (concat (HerHis self) " gun points directly at you.")) -> Her gun points directly at you.
  • heshe player-NPC-object
  • HeShe player-NPC-object
  • herhis player-NPC-object
  • HerHis player-NPC-object
  • herhim player-NPC-object
  • HerHim player-NPC-object

Keyboard-Al Sayif

This Script Module (and paired NPC-Script requirements) enables a character-by-character input of a string into a script.

NPC Script Requirements

;;;; ---------------------------------------------
;; Corresponding Content for NPC/Entity
(load "Keyboard-Al Sayif" "")
(load "swclib")
(bind-keyboard-mself (get-id self) 'npc)
(bind-keyboard-convo say say-c describe describe-c ooc ooc-c)
(bind-keyboard-responses add-action add-response add-text)
(bind-keyboard-utils clear-window)
(defun oncancel
; Called when you hit the Cancel Button. Edit as needed.
(ooc "Cancelled Keyboard Input."))
(defun onfinish
; called when user clicks the Enter button. Edit as needed.
(say (myconcat "Well it's very nice to meet you, Mr. " (get-keyboard-response))))
(bind-keyboard-callbacks onfinish oncancel)
(defun start ;; Example to go straight into it. Edit as needed, or just use start-keyboard.
(describe "Enter your input on the keypad. As you click the screen will update.")
;;;; ---------------------------------------------


  • clears the window and starts the Keyboard Input script: Asks for input character by character. CAPS toggles between UPPERCASE and lowercase for letter, BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`


  • returns a string of the saved input from the keyboard.



  • clears the window and starts the Keypad Input script: Asks for input character by character (numbers 0 - 9 only). BACK removes the last-entered character, CLEAR clears the input entirely, ENTER saves the input and calls `onfinish`, CANCEL saves the input and calls `oncancel`

Contact: Kay Dallben