
From Star Wars Combine :: Game Guide
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Deathmatches are events that occur once in a while to allow players to have some fun. They are often split into two forms, Tournaments and Grudge Matches. Entering or participating in Deathmatch events is purely optional and players cannot gain or lose anything. It is solely a voting contest.

Deathmatches are administrated by a Deathmatch administrator or by a Combine staff member in charge of Deathmatches. Historically this has generally been the part-time job of a staff member primarily involved with another Combine team. There is no set schedule, although Deathmatches do not run more than once a week to allow players time to vote. Occasionally they are delayed for months or even years if interest is low and if Grudge Match submissions have not been made.

When a Deathmatch tournament is started or advanced a round, the Deathmatch administrator will make an announcement on the Sim News.


Whenever the current Deathmatch administrator starts a new tournament, the Deathmatch automatically selects 16 random players from all possible players who have opted to participate. Players opt into Deathmatches through the Account Settings on their player profile. Once the game selects the 16 players they are then randomly pitted against each other in a contest. Other players can then vote for a player in each match-up. The winner is whoever has the highest number of votes at the end of that match up. The Deathmatch administrator then ends the round and starts the next round, so that the winner goes on to the next round to compete against another player. This continues until one player is declared the winner. It is not uncommon for the winners to be well-known Combine figures or members of large factions, as factions often support their own members.

Grudge Match

A Grudge Match is determined by players. Any player may submit a match through the signup sheet linked at the top of the Deathmatch interface. These do not have to be Combine related and can be about anyone or anything. Often, players use Grudge Matches as a convenient way to poll the playerbase about current Combine events, current news events in the real world, or preferences about movies, games, and other media. The player provides a title for the match and then provides 2-4 options to be voted on in addition to an image for each option. Matches containing images for all options are the most likely to be accepted. Once submitted, they will be assessed by the Deathmatch administrator, and if accepted, will be posted for players to vote upon the next time Deathmatch rounds are started.

See also

[1] - Deathmatch page