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Message Boards

SWC contains a total of four different message boards, each with its own use: - Message Centre: this is a completely OOC board for everything from suggestions over administrative discussions to general chit-chat - RPG Centre: mostly IC board with forums related to light role playing and trading - Question Centre: This is where all your questions go! - White Scenarios: Role playing board hosted off site. Scenarios here don't affect the database, however you can earn XP.

You can reach the message boards from the "Forum" link at the top of every page. Please also make sure that whatever you post is in the proper forum. Each forum has a little description below the title that tells you what it is about.

Sticky Topics

Sticky topics are the most important topics of each forum. Often they contain the forum rules or FAQ, so please read those first (especially if the topic relates to anything you want to post) as not following the rules can get you banned from that forum rather quickly.

Restricted Forums

Many forums on the Message Centre are restricted to the general players. Those usually have the word "private" in their name, indicating that the game staff discusses upcoming changes or features that aren't supposed to be released to the public yet.

Faction Forums

Many Factions also operate their own forums for their internal discussion and communication with customers. SWC doesn't have any power over those, so any problems you have with those forums will have to be discussed with their respective operators.