Equipping Items
First go to the sidebar and click position.
Then go and click on items, note that you and your items must be in the same location for them to equipable.
Select the slot you wish to equip your item to from the drop down menu that comes up, then click equip.
Stowing an Item in Another Item
Some items can be used to carry smaller items, to do this the items you want to store must be in the same location as the items they are being stored in. Once there you can either left click the individual items and click stow, then choose the item you wish to stow them in.
However if you are stowing a lot of items, this can tedious, to work with large groups of items all at once, you can click equipment from the side bar. Next check the pieces of equipment you wish to store, and select stow select items into, then click process. Click on a suitable container and all your stuff will be packed away.