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Shields refer to planetary shields that are created by active Shield Generators on a planet. The shield will cover a 3x3 area in the atmosphere centered on the city where the active Shield Generator is based. Travel is prevented through this shield bar the exceptions below.

How Do I Create a Shield?

You first need to build a Shield Generator, and provide it with sufficient power so that it can be activated. Once it is built and powered, the assigned Operator can then use the Building Management page to activate the shield. This is done in the following way:

  • ::Control::
  • Click [Building Management].
  • Click the [Actions] button on the central horizontal bar.
  • Click the [Shields] button on the left side of the screen.
  • Click the [Status] button just under the central horizontal bar.
  • Click the [Activate] button.

Shields will take 1 hour to power up. During this period there will be nothing to prevent travel between the Atmosphere level and the Ground level. After this period, all travel will be prevented.

How Do I Remove a Shield?

Bar as yet unreleased Combat, the only way to remove a shield is for it to be switched off. This is similar to activating a shield, except the shield will be switched off. This will be instantaneous, rather than the 1 hour timer for activation.

  • ::Control::
  • Click [Building Management].
  • Click the [Actions] button on the central horizontal bar.
  • Click the [Shields] button on the left side of the screen.
  • Click the [Status] button just under the central horizontal bar.
  • Click the [Deactivate] button.

How Do I Pass Through a Shield?

There are two ways to do this, and both have a few requirements before it can happen.

Linking a Shield Generator

If a Shield Generator