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Your inventory is where you oversee your assets. You can assign privileges, makeover assets to other players or faction, or transfer credits.

How-To: Transfer Credits

1) Under your sidebar's inventory tab, click on [Credits].

Step One

2) Under [Receiver], type in the name of the person you wish to transfer credits to.

Step Two

3) Then, under [Amount], type in the number of credits to transfer. Use commas as a numerical separator.

3a) Optional. Under communication, type the message you wish to send along with the credits. Something like Here's your credits! or Enjoy!

4) Click [Transfer] to send the credits.

How-To: Makeover Assets

1) Under the [Inventory] tab on the sidebar, click on the type of asset you wish to transfer. For this example, we will use [Items].

2) Next to the picture of the item, check the boxes of the items you wish to send.

3) Then, under the [Select Action] drop-down menu, select [Makeover].

4) Once selected, a form will appear. Under [Name], put in the name of the person you wish to send these items to.

4a) There is an option to [Makeover Contents]. Only check this if you're transferring assets with items inside.

4b) If you wish, put in a reason to why you're making it over. This can be a short message like: Here's your items!

5) Click [Process], and the items will be sent.