Doors and Locks

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Doors and locks are used to restrict travel between two different rooms.


You need to meet several requirements in order to be able to make or upgrade a door. You will need a Tookit equipped to one of your hand slots. You will also need to be one of the following to make or upgrade a door :

  • The owner of the entity
  • The commander of the entity
  • A member of a faction that is the commander of the entity

In addition, if you wish to downgrade a lock, change the password, or unlock the door, you will need to be:

  • The owner of the entity
  • The commander of the entity
  • A member of a faction that is the commander of the entity, with 'Makeover' privs for the entity, 'May Change Door Codes' privs, or have the passcode

Making a Door

In order to make a door you need to meet the above requirements. Once this is done you will need to be in one of the rooms you wish to create a door between. Once you are in position, you can follow the belwo instructions:

  • ::Control::
  • Click [Position].
  • Click on [Actions] on the central horizontal bar.
  • Click on the [Locks] button on the left.
  • Click on the [Install] button on the row that corresponds to the direction you wish to install the door.
  • Enter a password, and click the [Submit button].

The passcode cannot be more than 10 characters in length, and nor can it be empty.

Success and Failure

Your success at making a door or upgrading one follows the following equation: Chance to Install: (100 - (Lock Level *35 )) + (Theft/Deceit * 15)

Where lock level corresponds to:

Door Type Lock Level
Standard 1
Reinforced 2
Blast 3

If you fail the lock process, you will not receive any XP for the process. In addition there is a 50% chance that you will loose 2-10 HP.


Making a door or upgrading a lock takes time, dependant on its difficulty:

Installation Time (hours): Lock Level * 4

Upgrading/Downgrading a Lock

This is very similar to making a door, however there are some subtle differences. You need slightly different access levels (see above) in order to downgrade a lock (upgrading however is fine). Doors must be unlocked when upgrading/downgrading, and cannot be locked again until the upgrading/downgrading proceedure is finished. To upgrade/downgrade a lock you need to:

  • ::Control::
  • Click [Position].
  • Click on [Actions] on the central horizontal bar.
  • Click on the [Locks] button on the left.
  • Click on the [Upgrade] or [Downgrade] button on the row that corresponds to the lock you wish to modify.
  • (type in password if you are needed to).

Locking/Unlocking a Door

In order to lock a door you just need to be inside. In order to unlock the door you will need to be:

  • The owner of the entity
  • The commander of the entity
  • A member of a faction that is the commander of the entity, with 'Makeover' privs for the entity, 'May Change Door Codes' privs, or have the passcode

A commander will always be required to enter the passcode to unlock a door. To lock/unlock a door:

  • ::Control::
  • Click [Position].
  • Click on [Actions] on the central horizontal bar.
  • Click on the [Locks] button on the left.
  • Click on the [Lock] or [Unlock] button on the row that corresponds to the lock you wish to modify.
  • (type in password if you are needed to).

Changing a Passcode

Passwords can be changed from the lock screen. Commanders are required to enter the previous password as well as a new password in order to change the password. Owners are only required to enter a new password.

Passing Through a Locked Door

You will need to either have the passcode to the door and enter it each time you pass through, or have a Keycard with the relevant passcode stored in it. Such a Keycard will only work if it is equipped to the Belt or Hand slot, or stored inside an item that is itself equipped to the Belt slot.


Keycards are used to pass through locked doors. They can store up to 20 different passcodes. The are created with Crafting.

Storing a Passcode

Breaking a Lock