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What is IRC?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and it is a method for chatting with others on the internet. IRC allows you to chat in rooms called IRC channels with multiple people at the same time. These rooms can be set public, to allow anyone to participate, or private, in case a Combine faction or smaller group prefers a room of their own to use for specific members only. IRC also allows you to chat privately with another person, like an instant messenger, so that nobody can listen in on your conversation.

Which program should I download?

There are many programs out there. For PCs the most popular is mIRC, which is available at The program is shareware, but can be used for free indefinitely. This guide will be explaining from the mIRC perspective, since it is, by far, the most commonly used IRC client available, and is the only program officially supported by the IRC help staff.

However, if you find mIRC too complicated, or if you simply do not intend to access IRC regularly enough to bother downloading a client, you can use the JavaChat link at the top of the page located here. This is a program that will open directly in your browser and defaults to the Combine's technical support channel where you can talk with the Combine's help staff live. Please note that an answer will not always come immediately, so patience is needed. Helpers volunteer their time, and do not always respond within the first 2 minutes of you coming online asking "can I get some help?" so it is best to ask your question right away upon entering, or type people's names to get their attention as many helpers set their clients to alert them when their name is entered.

Please note that it is recommended that you change your name to something other than the default SWC_Member, especially if you are having difficulties connecting, because on any IRC server, multiple people cannot have the same name. This will also make it easier for others to identify and address you.

mIRC Download and Installation

After following the download link on, save the program to a location on your computer that you will remember (such as your desktop), and double-click the installation file to run it. Follow all of the on screen instructions, as it will walk you quickly through the process.

Logging In

After opening the program and passing the pop-up screen that has the Author on it (by clicking on it), the Options window will come up. On the left hand side there is a directory tree marked "Category". To the right of that are all the options for each category.

Go to Connect > Servers

There are several servers that the program comes with but the Combine's server is not one of the defaults.

Press [Add] and fill in the following information

Description: IRC Server: Port(s): 6667 Group SWC

No Password is needed

Press [OK]

(Description can be anything, but for simplicity sake, it is a good idea to add the "SWC" and the server address. Some networks include multiple servers that are linked together, so they should all have a similar name, but that does not apply for the Combine.)

Now that you have entered the information and saved it, under IRC Server it should read . If it does not, press the expand down arrow and search for it, then select it.

Press [Connect to Server]

Entering a Channel

After you have logged in, a list of default IRC channels comes up in a popup screen. These are only general suggestions built into mIRC, and on the SWC server, none of them are actual channels (rooms). If you want you can delete them all.

In the box under Enter a channel name and click join: type in one of the following suggested channels to start off with:

  1. SWC-Members
  2. SWC-Traders

Then click Join. You are now in that channel. To join another channel type the following line:

/join #channelnamehere

Channel names cannot include spaces.

The List of Channels

To view the list of all of the channels on the server that are not hidden, type:


The list will come up in a separate window and will show you the channel name and topic, as well as the number of members in the channel.

Registering your IRC nickname

You must register your nick with the server before anyone can give you special access (more on special access later) such as a voice, an op, or even access to a hidden channel. This will also ensure that others do not use your name, so registering your nick is highly recommended.

Type /msg nickserv REGISTER password email

where "password" is one that you choose and "email" is your email address. For another explanation of the command, you can type /msg nickserv help register


Once your nick is registered, every time you connect to the server you must identify with nickserv, or nickserv will think you are stealing someone else's nick and will change your nick to an anonymous one with a string of numbers attached. IE: swcmember12345678

To identify, type /identify password

Note: All nicks trying to join #SWC-Members or #SWC-Traders with the name swcmember###### will automatically get kicked from that room.

Basic Commands

The following are some basic commands to get you started.

/me Type this when you want to perform an action. For example, "/me goes to work" will show up as * SWC_Member goes to work

/join #channel Replace #channel with the name of the channel to join that channel.

/msg nickserv group OriginalNick password Change your nick to the new one that you want then type this command to link to your registered nick. You can only do this every 300 seconds.

/nick name Where name is the new name you want as a nickname. Changes your nick.

/query username Opens up a new window with another person

/part #channel descrip Causes you to leave a channel and descrip is a parting message

/msg text here Allows you to send text to another user without opening a query screen

Need to leave a message for someone who is offline? Here are the commands for Memoserv

/memoserv help Gives a description for memoserv /memoserv help commands Gives a list of commands

Replace any command name in place of commands for more help on those.

To send a memo: /memoserv send nickname|channel text-here-for-the-message Example: /memoserv send SWC_Member Hi SWC_Member, how are you doing?

To read your memo(s) /memoserv list Lists the memo(s) waiting for you in your inbox.

IRC Services Shortcuts

/msg nickserv & /msg chanserv can be shortened on the server by type /ns & /cs

NickServ Help: /ns help commands ChanServ Help: /cs help commands

This will output their respective commands. For help on a specific command, type the same thing again, but replace the word "commands" with that command. For example, if you want help with ChanServ's "set" command, you would type: /cs help set

Be aware, however, that not all IRC clients support these shortcuts. If you receive an error message when using /ns or /cs, you may need to use the long format instead (/msg nickserv and /msg chanserv).

Auto Tasking

It is possible to set mIRC to automatically identify you or join specific channels or perform other such commands for you when you connect. This can save you the effort of needing to enter all of your commonly used commands manually every time you visit IRC.

Click Options [ icon 2nd to the left and has a hammer and a file] Under Connect > Options > Perform Checkmark "Enable perform on connect" If the SWC is the only network you use follow Step 1 Those who use different networks follow Step 2:

Step 1: Leave Network: as "All Networks" Under Perform commands: Enter /identify password and your /join commands Make sure you put each command on its own line

Step 2: Click Add Network If you cannot see your network, you have to go to the Connect > Servers and edit your network with a Group name Then go back to Options > Perform and Add the Network In the drop down box, select that network Add specific commands for that network

Setting up a New Channel

To setup a new channel, first type /join #newchannel, where #newchannel is the name of the channel you want to set up. Make sure it is not registered already. You can tell by the +r at the top of the screen next to the name

Once you are in the channel, to register it, it is best that no one else is in the channel.

You must have a registered nick to register a channel:

/cs register #channel password description

  1. channel = the channel name you want to register

password = the password you want to set up for changing settings description = a brief description of what the channel is for

/cs help register gives a more in-depth description of registering

Now leave and re-enter your new channel. If you are using mIRC you can type /hop to leave and re-enter.

You now have a . in front of your name, which indicates that you are the founder of the channel.

Channel Privileges

Have you wondered what all the @ % and + symbols next to people's names mean? They represent channel privileges and have the following significance:

. is Founder @ is Op (Operator) % is Half-Op + is Voiced (If the channel has +m on, anyone without at least a + cannot speak, but voice has no other function, whereas the other access levels do.)

The Channel Founder is the only one who can change the permanent settings for that channel. If you want a cofounder, they need to type this line in once with their registered nickname. /cs identify #channelname password

OPs, depending if they are SOP or AOP can change the room topic, kick/ban people and give privs that are below their level.

HalfOPs(%) can kick people halfop and lower, and can give a halfop but cannot add an automatic halfop. HOPs(%) can give automatic voice (+) though.

Voice can speak if the room is moderated(+m), but is usually just granted to set a user apart from others.

The Access List

/cs access #channel list lists everyone who has a privilege on that channel.

Part A: Follow this if your channel has the access list enabled, if you get the following messages, " -ChanServ- You can't use this command." and "-ChanServ- Use the AOP, SOP and VOP commands instead." then follow Part B

/cs access #channel add nick +30,40,50,100 adds a person to the Access List. +0 Default level, you don't need to add this level +30 Voice (+) +40 Halfop (%) +50 AOP (Auto-OP) (@) +100 SOP (Super-OP) (@)

/cs access #channel del nick removes a person from the Access List. /cs access #channel add nick -100 chanserv automatically bans the person

Part B: Follow this if your status screen said to use the AOP, SOP and VOP commands instead.

/cs vop #channel add nick Adds a person to the VOP list (+) /cs hop #channel add nick Adds a person to the HOP list (%) /cs aop #channel add nick Adds a person to the AOP list (@) /cs sop #channel add nick Adds a person to the SOP list (@)

If you prefer the Part A method then type /cs set #channel XOP off This will remove the XOP feature and allow you to use /cs access #channel add nick +#

Permanent Channel Modes

Restricted Access: /cs set #channel restricted on/off Restricted Access means that in order to enter the channel, you must be on the access list with any level greater than 0.

Modes: /cs set #channel mlock modes +s Secret mode (cannot see it in /list unless you're in the channel) +p Private mode (cannot see it in /list unless you're in the channel) +i Invite Only +m Moderated mode (users without a +, %, @, or . in the channel cannot speak.)

For more help type: /cs help set /cs help set restricted /cs help set mlock

Colors, Bold, Underline, Etc.

Colors: Hold down Ctrl + K Follow this with the following format #,# Where the first # is the text and the 2nd after the comma is background

A window pops up with all the available colors.

Bold Text: Hold down Ctrl + B (the same again cancels it) Underlined Text: Hold down Ctrl + U (the same again cancels it)

Other Stuff

Scripts, such as /away scripts, trivia scripts, !seen scripts, or any other public scripts are not allowed in #SWC- channels, so make sure that they are disabled.

Bot scripts are not allowed on this server without advance permission. To obtain permission for your bot, mail the code and the name of the bot to and one of the IRC staff members will respond to approve it.

If you have any questions regarding this server, ask one of the staff in the #Help channel (you may need to say their names to draw their attention, since most have highlights set up to alert them if they are at their computers). The list of who they are is listed in the Message of the Day (MOTD) in the status screen when you first connect to the server, and can be pulled up at anytime by typing /motd into your IRC client. For your convenience, they are listed here as well.

Current Staff Listing: Accessible from /motd in the status screen.

Head Admin Syn / Light -

Server Administrators Phryss / £ - Selatos -

Services Operators Tycho - Togan - Tidus / Alizee -